Getting started in the new system
Create an account
Create an account
Account numbers have changed in the new billing system. Visit and click on "Find my account." Then, fill in your old account number and your billing zip code from a previous bill to search for your new account number.
With your new account number and billing zip code, start the account registration process by clicking on the "Sign up/register" button.
Fill in the registration questions and create a complex password.
Check your email for a confirmation message. Click on the "Complete Registration" link in that email. Always be sure the link begins with "".
Your registration will be confirmed and you can sign into your account.
You are encouraged to set up multi factor authentication (MFA) using your email to help keep your account and personal data more secure.
Set up paperless billing
Paperless Billing
Login to your account at If you haven't set up your new account yet, see the "Creating an account" tab on this page first.
Click on "Settings" tab.
Select "Notification Settings" and scroll down to "Paperless Bill Settings".
Turn on or off paperless billing.
Set up auto pay
Set up auto pay in your account
Login to your account at If you haven't set up your new account yet, see the "Creating an account" tab on this page first.
Click the "Manage Auto Pay" button after you login to your account.
If you already have auto pay setup, Auto Pay Management allows you to edit or delete your auto pay configuration.
If you haven't set up auto pay yet:
To set up auto pay by credit or debit card, enter in your card information along with the details associated with that card.
To set up auto pay by e-check, enter in your bank account information along with the details associated with that account.
Double check the data and click submit. Along with the following confirmation, you will get a confirmation in your email you submitted.
Still need help?
Still need help?
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Remember to include your account number(s) in your email.
Call 541-917-7547
Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 10:00 am or 11:00 am to 4:30 pm
In person
333 Broadalbin St SW (1st floor)
Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 10:00 am or 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Details
Rate resolutions for City utility bills
Rate resolutions are enacted by Albany City Council.
Adopted Resolution 7324
(adopted May 22, 2024;
effective March 1, 2025)
Current Resolution 7384
(adopted January 22, 2025;
effective January 1, 2025)
North Albany County Service District (NACSD)
City Services Fee
Current Resolution 7015
(adopted June 23, 2021;
effective July 1, 2021)
- Details
Understanding your City of Albany utility bill
City of Albany Utility Billing uses P.O. Box 945.
Bills are due and payable upon receipt. Accounts are considered past due if not paid within 10 calendar days of the billing date.
The bill features a monthly historical usage graph.
Your bill shows a detailed list of water, sewer, and stormwater charges for the current month.
The bill has a box for important messages about your city utilities.
For your convenience, our office hours are printed on every bill.We also have an e-mail address you can use for questions about your bill.
On the reverse side of your bill, you will find information on service inquiries or changes, payment methods, drop box locations, and meter and payment box tampering.
- Details
Understanding your bill
- Your account number and service address are listed under Service Information. For every account you have with us, there will be a different account number. Please make note of this account number when submitting payments.
- Bills are due within 10 days of the bill date. Both the bill date and due date are a fixed date each month, based on your service address.
- Your bill features a monthly historical usage graph with the current and previous year shown. (Additional usage and billing history can be found on our website using Online Account Management).
- Your bill shows a detailed list of water and sewer charges for the current month. It also shows the previous balance and any payments or adjustments made to your account since the last bill.
- Important Messages are displayed in this box including holiday office closures and other notices from the City of Albany.
- On the reverse side of the bill, you will find information on service inquiries or changes, past due bills, payment methods, drop box locations and contact information for our office.
- Details