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Albany provides municipal water service to the cities of Albany and Millersburg and additional customers inside and outside Albany's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). In total, the City provides water for more than 18,300 customer accounts.

What is a Water Master Plan?

The Water Master Plan evaluates the City’s existing water system infrastructure, identifies deficiencies or needs under current or future demand, and provides recommendations on system improvements. The Water Master Plan is included in the City’s comprehensive Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to help plan for future growth. The Water Master Plan is prepared to comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-061-0060(5) and is subject to review by the Oregon Health Authority.

The 2024 Update Process

This new Water Master Plan is an updated evaluation of the City’s existing water system infrastructure and needs. It was presented to City Council at the May 6, 2024, Work Session. The Oregon Health Authority reviewed and concurred with the plan in May. The plan was adopted by the City Council after a public hearing on July 10, 2024.

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