Notice of Receipt of Ballot Title for the City of Albany
A ballot title was received/filed with the City Elections Officer (City Recorder) on February 14, 2025. Notice is hereby given that on May 20, 2025, the City of Albany will have a measure to be voted on by the electors of the City of Albany.
City Council Elections
City Council Elections
Council positions, terms, and wards
Resources for prospective candidates
League of Oregon Cities
Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division
Oregon Government Ethics Commission
- Statement of Economic Interest Filer Guide
- Oregon Government Ethics Law, a Guide for Public Officials
Councilors receive $130 per month. The mayor receives $185 per month. The mayor and councilors also each receive a $50 internet stipend per month.
Election Signs
Election signs
Signs of any kind may not be located at any time in the public right-of-way as per Albany Development Code 13.220(2)(b).
One temporary sign per issue and per candidate may be placed on property based on the ballot of an election within the district where the property is located.
In residential zones, signs are limited to an area of four square feet per face and a maximum height of three feet.
In commercial or industrial zones, signs are limited to an area of eight square feet per face and a maximum height of five feet. Signs may be placed 45 days prior to an election and must be removed no more than seven days after the election.
For additional questions on Albany's sign code, contact Community Development at 541-917-7550.
Signs within sight of state highways have additional limitations. ODOT will remove any signs and hold them at the district maintenance office for 30 days. More information is available at