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Last year, to comply with Oregon House Bill 3115, Albany designated two City-owned lots, known as Marvin's Garden, to help provide a minimally safe and secure temporary location for people transitioning to receiving services near the two primary shelter and service providers in Albany.

It is clear that these two lots are no longer serving their original purpose. Over time, the site has become populated by those who refuse services and regularly violate the posted rules and regulations. Persistent and increasing issues of drug dealing, overdoses, trespasses on neighboring properties, and a rise in serious assaults of law enforcement, service providers, and others at the site means that service providers are no longer able to visit the site safely and carry out their mission. Additionally, the expenses of maintaining a safe and secure location are unbudgeted and increasing.

Consequently, after consulting with law enforcement and our service provider partners, City Manager Peter Troedsson ordered Marvin’s Garden closure notice on July 30, 2024. Those at the site will have 30 days to move out. Our local service providers, accompanied by City staff, will ensure that those at the site over the next few weeks receive service referrals as they prepare to leave the site, as Albany has sufficient shelter beds available for those currently at Marvin’s Garden. After 30 days, the City will fence off the site and begin clean-up operations.

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