The Housing Affordable Task Force will serve as the advisory committee for the Housing Implementation Plan (HIP) project and is intended to represent a wide range of housing interests. The Task Force will work with City staff and consultants to provide strategic direction on the project, and to review and provide feedback on key project deliverables. Meetings will typically be held during the lunch hour, and there will be options for both virtual and in-person participation. Meetings will be recorded and available to the public.
Representation on the Task Force will include the following organizations and interests:
Theodore Bunch, Jr. | Planning Commission liaison |
Erin Dey | DevNW (affordable housing developer) |
Shane Fagan | architect |
Steve Hammond | resident, retired |
Donna Holt | Linn Benton Housing Authority |
Alex Johnson II | Mayor, City Council liaison |
Alana Kenagy | resident |
Sharon Konopa | resident, housing non-profit |
Faren Leader | resident |
Scott Lepman | developer, appraiser |
Mike Quinn | builder, developer |
Camron Settlemier | historic district resident |
Rebecca Tolentino | Central Willamette Credit Union |
Meeting Schedule
Draft agenda topics listed below, subject to change.
Meeting #1 – February 3, 2022, Noon - 2:00 p.m.
- Project orientation and background.
General housing/affordability info; Albany statistics; Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) findings; and housing finance info. - Overview of project plan and schedule.
- Task Force roles and responsibilities.
Meeting #2 – April 13, 2022, Noon - 2:00 p.m.
- Initial menu of housing strategies.
Review strategies previously identified in the 2019 HNA; tools suggested by DLCD; and other potential strategies to facilitate, reduce barriers to, fund, or reduce costs for needed housing and affordable housing. Task Force to provide initial input and recommendations. - Review takeaways from stakeholder interviews and community group meetings.
Meeting #3 – July 21, 2022, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Draft Strategies Evaluation and Implementation Plan, Part 1.
Review the first set of draft housing strategies and implementation actions. For each strategy, the Task Force will review the project team’s assessment of the strategies’ impacts on housing costs and affordability, any opportunities or constraints, and necessary implementation steps.
Meeting #4 – September 22, 2022, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Draft Strategies Evaluation and Implementation Plan, Part 2.
Review the second set of draft strategies, and any revisions to Part 1. - Review initial results from an online survey, if available.
Meeting #5 – March 9, 2023, Noon - 2:00 p.m.
- Revised draft Housing Implementation Plan.
Review the full revised plan and identify any remaining needed changes. - Review input from community engagement activities, if applicable.
Meeting Materials
There are no documents available for this group in 2025.
Public Meetings Law Grievances
OAR 199-050-0070 requires us to publish contact information for submitting a grievance alleging violation of the Oregon public meetings laws. Written grievances may be submitted by email to